Thursday, February 26, 2009

Thanks Waffle House for the food poisoning......assholes.

Went to one of the Waffle Houses right down the road from the house on the way home yesterday and had a bacon cheeseburger and some hashbrowns. Not sure if it was the burger or maybe the mayonnaise but I wound up getting sicker than anything early last night.

My whole body feels like it's been beaten by tiny sledgehammers.

I don't know if I was to touch meat again after this.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Yes, we are a Mormon and an Atheist and our views on all the shit going on in this country right now are the same. To get started, these are some of our basic views:

1) Obama is wrong. ON EVERYTHING!

2) The Second Amendment to the Constitution is the most important one of all of them. If you haven't the faintest clue what the 2nd Amendment is, you better look it up and educate yourself right now. (Doing your research using Wiki DOES NOT COUNT.)

3) Rapists and child molesters should all be EXECUTED!!!

4) In our opinion the following people we can only hope will drop dead very soon: Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, John Murtha, Charles Schumer, Barbara Boxer, Sean Penn, George Clooney, Barbara Streisand, Bob Beckel and Dustin Hoffman for starters. Believe me, the list is much larger.

5) Bring back Henchmen 24 to the Venture Brothers. Post haste.

6) Force our so-called representatives in congress to pass the FAIR TAX ACT asap.

7) Not that we want to see them....but naked pictures of Bea Arthur really exist????