Most Americans and especially the idiotic mouth-breathers on the Left make a very simple mistake on a daily basis. I am here to rectify that mistake. The terrorists that wish to do us harm are often referred to as "radical Islamists" , while the peaceful muslims who do not engage in "jihad" are called "moderates". This is quite wrong. These so-called radicals are actually fundamentalists and are following their religion quite correctly. True believers must engage in "jihad" against the infidels as prescribed in the teachings of both the Koran and the Sunnah. This is not a mere suggestion but a requirement for all able bodied Mohammedans. The so-called "moderates" are either apostates not following Islam according to the Koran or they are practicing "taqiya" which is religious deception which is a truly muslim practice. Under Islamic law any and all agreements with infidels are not binding, believers only have to be honest with other believers.
It has been the policy of the Obummer administration to not make any references to "radical Islam" at all in the last year. This is done so as not to offend all those supposedly "peace-loving muslims" out there. It is political correctness gone amock. It is time for all red-blooded Americans to stand up and give the finger to the mainstream media and the President and say no more. Screw the Mohammedans and everything they stand for. The fight is not over by a long shot my friends, it started over 1,350 years ago and may not end for another thousand years if we don't regard this bastardization of a religion as the threat it is qnd wipe it out.
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