Friday, July 31, 2009

Chris Dodd Has Prostate Cancer

Guess who's the latest to get the "Big C"? You betcha, our friend Chris Dodd of Connecticut. It is my sincerest wish that it is incurable, incredible painful, and that you die really, really soon.

-The Mormon

Monday, July 27, 2009

Separated at birth?

I honestly did not know that Iggy Pop had undergone a sex change and changed his name to Madonna. I'm not gay but if I had to choose one.... I'd go with Iggy.

The A

Friday, July 24, 2009

Hard Left

As a child of the Cold War I knew who my enemies were. Any country led by Communists or Leftists dictators. Where have my people gone? The facts are quite clear involving Honduras. Manuel Zelaya had a plan to control the country by grabbing power like Hugo Chavez of Venezuela. The problem for Zelaya is the CONSTITUTION of Honduras. They wrote into that document that the President could not under any circumstance hold more than one term. With his ally in Venezuela he had ballots made up to call for that to be changed. That act in and of itself was an act of treason according to the laws of Venezuela.

Now here is the truly great part. The congress and supreme court of Venezuela did what they were supposed to do. They defended their country by ordering his arrest and and placed the next man in succession to the presidency in power. WOW. Talk about shocking. A government actually looking out for the best interests of it's own constituency.

The truly shocking part in my mind has been the response (to this lawful act) by my own country. The POTUS in his ultimate wisdom has called this a military coup and backed Zelaya. Why is this? Could our fearless leader be afraid of the same thing happening to him if he keeps up his pace of socializing the U.S.? This political stance by the so-called leader of the free world is troubling to say the least.

Final thought. When the President of the United F-ing States of America takes the same side as Hugo Chavez, Fidel Castro, Daniel Ortega and every other member of the "crazy dictators club" we should all be scared shitless.

Finding true joy

What makes the A happy? Well, it is definitely not world news and current events. I spend far too much time on the Internet reading all of the bad news of the day. So what is it that keeps me from going on a tri-state mass murder spree?? The only thing that keeps me reasonably sane is music. Yes music, my one true joy in life right now consists of parking my fat ass in front of my computer and firing up the old windows media player.

My idea of music differs quite a bit from the insufferable crap spewed out by modern radio stations. Sorry, but, Michael Jackson is not on my play list. I tend to listen to music played by real musicians who write and play their own material. Sadly, the idea of a guitar virtuoso has died out for the time being. I'm starting to get away from the main thrust of this post. My bad.

I have recently been adding to my collection of music in a rather unorthodox way that I will not reveal over the Internet. The music being added is pretty much the stuff that I listened to in the late 80's and early 90's. Good old fashioned power ballads from the long expired genre of "hair metal". Why is it that certain songs can have not only an emotional but physical effect on me?

I can listen to Bad Company or Deep Purple and instantly my mind takes me back to hanging out with my best friend from high school (who died shortly after we graduated). This music is just my own special way of time travel.

Certain songs (don't ask, I have no idea why) send a chill down my spine and cause the immediate outbreak of "goosebumps".
Crying by Yngwie Malmsteen
Mission by Rush
Silent Lucidity by Queensryche
High Enough by Damn Yankees
Hurt and The Man Comes Around by Johnny Cash
The Confessor, All Night Long and Help Me Through The Night by Joe Walsh
These songs always have this affect on me. Something in these tunes reaches into my soul and fill me with joy? happiness? I don't quite know how to describe it but, I definitely feel good while listening to them. Since I no longer do drugs and rarely ever drink, I figure this is a pretty good high with little downside.

The A

Thursday, July 23, 2009

My disgust for "The One" has no bounds

Obammy finally pulled a Rev. Wright/Jesse Jackson/Al Sharpton/insert race baiting black activist here. The link to the Fox News article is here-

What exactly has my boxers all bunched up???? This statement by the HNIC otherwise known as the "Chocolate Jesus". "Despite racial progress blacks and Hispanics are still singled out unfairly for arrest" he said. Well Mr. Obama do you really need to be reminded that per capita Hispanics and blacks commit waaaaayyyyy more crimes than white folks do, always have, and always will. Just a fact of life that he just can't admit to. Of course nobody in the media would challenge his notion that his friends arrest was anything other than racially motivated. The POTUS finally plays the race card. The true countdown to Armegeddon has begun. Oh well, I'll have alot of company in hell.

The A

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Time for the Atheist to lighten up

I've been rather serious and mean spirited lately. Thought I would post some amusing signs. Enjoy.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Beautiful Irony

Bomb blasts at the J.W. Hilton and Ritz Carlton in Jakarta this morning. Islamic terrorists to blame . Oh well, guess you really do reap what you sow.

The A

Trouble brewing for Marriott Hotel Empire

I read about this at JihadWatch and the story has now been picked up by Fox News.,2933,533525,00.html
Our government seems willing to ignore this group but we cannot. If you want to be lazy and not use the link, I will give you the gist of the article.

A posh Hilton hotel in the Chicago area is the site for a conference entitled "The Fall of Capitalism And the Rise of Islam" run by a group called "Hizb ut-Tahrir". This particular organization has not been listed as a terror group by the U.S. It is however banned in several Arab and Central Asian countries along with Germany and Russia.

The conference will happen on July 19, 2009. A boycott of all things Marriott related seems to be in order. I urge everyone to make this extremely painful for the Marriott Hotel chain and all of it's other businesses.

Here is a list of Marriott hotels:
Courtyard by Marriott
Fairfield Inn
Residence Inn
Ritz Carlton
SpringHill Suites
TownePlace Suites

The A

Monday, July 13, 2009

Hate for Kennedy

Lee Harvey Oswald supposedly killed J.F.K and Sirhan Sirhan took out R.F.K.
So how in hell is it that nobody has gotten the worst of the bunch??? Ted Kennedy, the fat worthless blowhard of the family, has been permitted to stay in the U.S. Senate for over 40 years! Nobody has even taken a shot at the most dangerous of the Kennedy klan. (yes i spelled it "klan" for a reason.)

Let's go back to where this all began, shall we? The patriarch of America's first family (Joe Kennedy) was a bootlegger during prohibition. Basically the same as some drug lord importing drugs from Mexico, he imported booze from Canada to create his vast fortune. After the repeal of prohibition, the family fortune was used to influence politics. Joe, with the help of the Italian Mafia, bought union votes to get J.F.K. elected. Other than being the first modern POTUS to be assassinated in office J.F.K. accomplished little if anything at all. (the Cuban Missile Crisis is a joke so don't even bring that up)

We were spared any real damage from R.F.K. thanks to a well placed bullet before he could get elected. So "Teddy" was the next in line. Good ole Ted always liked the women and the booze just a wee bit too much. His hopes for the presidency ended with the "incident at Chappaquidik" in July of 1969. Somehow, the powers that be decided, that Ted didn't deserve to do any jail time for what equates to vehicular homicide in this case. You know since he is part of American royalty and all. This should have been the end of this lard ass.

Fast forward to present day 2009. HBO has a new documentary coming out soon that will shine a bright light on all the so-called good Teddy has done for us. Of course we all know you can't say anything bad about a Kennedy, so this will be a nice little love-fest for good ole Ted. With the news of an inoperable brain tumor slowly killing him, the left has been rewriting history to show what a great man Theodore was. I just wish he would kick off soon, because frankly, I'm tired of that whole damn family.

The A

Friday, July 10, 2009

Yes , he is black!

Finally, we have irrefutable proof that Obama is indeed a black man.

The A

Our justice system ...hard at work

Donte Stallworth was released from jail after serving 24 whole days in jail for killing a man while driving drunk. Now he must complete his home confinement. Justice is soooo blind.

The A

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Just kill me now....

As if we didn't have enough coverage of his death. Michael Jackson's memorial service is being broadcast on damn near every channel. With all that is going on in this country and around the world, the media (even Fox News) has once again, fallen for the cult of personality. Was he an icon? Maybe to some, but not me. I feel disgustipated.

The A

Monday, July 6, 2009

Michael Jackson has company in hell

Robert McNamara, the man responsible for the deaths of over 58,000 Americans in Vietnam, died today. May he burn eternally in the lake of fire.

The A

Thursday, July 2, 2009

This is truly scary

Copy and paste this link. It is a small preview of a forthcoming documentary.

The A

Snakes on a plane

"Snakes on a plane" is one of the worst movies I have ever watched but it does have a great title. The reason for this blog entry is that a 2 year old girl was killed yesterday by a burmese python owned by the mother's live-in boyfriend. I have kept snakes as pets most of my life. I along with hundreds of thousands of snake owners worldwide would have never had this happen.

There are some hard and fast rules to owning large snakes. Idiots watch reruns of "The Crocodile Hunter" and think "oh it would be so cool to own a snake". A python,boa or anaconda is not a freaking dog. These animals are predatory. Snakes are like sharks, they are for all intents and purposes "eating machines". It is true some snakes do enjoy being handled, however they are not just going to come get in your lap to be petted.

The most important rule of snake ownership is to know what you are getting yourself into. There are questions you must ask yourself. How big does this animal get? How long will it live? How much do I feed it? Could it kill my children or me? What do I do with it when it becomes too big to handle?

How big?? The vast majority of breeds of boas, pythons and anacondas will easily grow to be over 8 feet in length. They also are heavy bodied. Trust me when I tell you a six foot boa could kill you. The strength these animals have is almost unbelievable.

How long will it live? If the animal is properly fed and taken care of twenty years or more is entirely likely.

How much do I feed it? When they are young they will require more food. As they get bigger and older they will need bigger food but at longer intervals between feedings. Keep in mind if the snake can get it's mouth around it, it will try to eat it.

Could it kill my children or me? YES. The bigger they get, the more likely small children will be seen as prey items. In the case of the 2 year old in Florida yesterday, this is exactly what happened. The snake was hungry, escaped from it's cage and sought out prey. This was NOT the snake's fault. All blame must be put on the owner.

What do I do when it gets too big? There lies the real problem. If it gets too big for you to handle, you picked the wrong pet! I made this mistake years ago, when I was much younger and far too inexperienced to handle a large snake. I bought a baby burmese python that was about 16 inches long. He grew to 8 feet long before I learned that I was in over my head. The snake bit me and would not release. It then tried to wrap around my neck. Obviously I was successful in escaping from his grasp. I gave the snake away to a friend a short time later. Lesson learned.

I truly beleive that the extremely large breeds should be banned from importation. The zoos of this country have more than enough of their own and can't handle the number of privately owned ones that are getting too big. Letting a large snake out into the wild is not a good option. As we can now see on the news from Florida on a weekly basis, burmese pythons are thriving in the Everglades. These snakes will eventually kill off the alligator population and become the highest predator in that food chain.

A small guide to the large constictors:
Boas- 5 feet up to almost 16 feet in length
Pythons- 5 feet and up to 23 feet in length
Anacondas- up to 25 feet in length

The big ones (should not be owned, in my opinion) : Burmese pythons, African rock pythons, Reticulated pythons and all breeds of anacondas.

The A


Michael Jackson is still dead. That is all.