Friday, July 24, 2009

Hard Left

As a child of the Cold War I knew who my enemies were. Any country led by Communists or Leftists dictators. Where have my people gone? The facts are quite clear involving Honduras. Manuel Zelaya had a plan to control the country by grabbing power like Hugo Chavez of Venezuela. The problem for Zelaya is the CONSTITUTION of Honduras. They wrote into that document that the President could not under any circumstance hold more than one term. With his ally in Venezuela he had ballots made up to call for that to be changed. That act in and of itself was an act of treason according to the laws of Venezuela.

Now here is the truly great part. The congress and supreme court of Venezuela did what they were supposed to do. They defended their country by ordering his arrest and and placed the next man in succession to the presidency in power. WOW. Talk about shocking. A government actually looking out for the best interests of it's own constituency.

The truly shocking part in my mind has been the response (to this lawful act) by my own country. The POTUS in his ultimate wisdom has called this a military coup and backed Zelaya. Why is this? Could our fearless leader be afraid of the same thing happening to him if he keeps up his pace of socializing the U.S.? This political stance by the so-called leader of the free world is troubling to say the least.

Final thought. When the President of the United F-ing States of America takes the same side as Hugo Chavez, Fidel Castro, Daniel Ortega and every other member of the "crazy dictators club" we should all be scared shitless.

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