Friday, May 7, 2010

Patriotism Offends Immigrants

Links to why this post is necessary:

  First and foremost, if the sight of "Old Glory" offends you in any way, leave this country right now. This used to be the greatest nation in the limited history of mankind, and it will be again after the leftists are booted from Congress and the Presidency. American exceptional-ism has taken a serious hit over the last 20 years, with the biggest hit being the election of Chairman Obamao. Now we have schools sending kids home for wearing shirts with the "Stars and Bars" on them...

The P.C. police have gone waaay too far this time. This action was taken to keep from offending children of Mexican heritage on "Cinco de Mayo". So let's get to the meat of this shit stew. First, the fact that Cinco de Mayo is a made up holiday in America to sell Mexican sounding beers at bars and restaurants means it should have no business in a public school. If the schools were doing their frigging jobs the students would be taught that "Cinco de Mayo" is only celebrated in the town of Puebla, Mexico for a victory over the French in 1862. The majority of Mexicans don't even know this and that is why they don't celebrate it.

I'm quite sure this is backlash from the passing of Arizona's illegal immigration law.(which will be covered in a separate post)  Now, by using this flawed premise established by idiot educators, we should not fly the flag or wear patriotic clothing on St. Patrick's Day as to avoid offending the Irish. Would this not hold true for Black History Month, Boxing Day, May Day and Chinese New Year???

Real Americans fly "Old Glory" all day everyday and should not worry about offending anyone. To fly our flag honors the men and women who have fought and died for our freedoms. Flying a foreign flag on on sovereign U.S. soil is both a disservice and an insult to our troops and should be dealt with by removing such flags and replacing them with the only appropriate flag for this nation.

Lastly, there is no "right to NOT being offended" in the Constitution or any holy book, so this P.C. bullshit needs to end. This is not North Mexico, this is the United F'n States of America and new immigrants should do like the immigrants who built this country did and integrate into our society. If they don't want to be American than they can go back Mexico or wherever they came from.

The A