Friday, November 27, 2009

Happy Eid al-Adha

There are currently 3 million Muslims(Islamic fanatics) in Mecca, Saudi Arabia this week. The annual hajj is here again and all devout Muslims must attend this gathering at least once in their lifetime. Since this event coincides with the start of our Holiday gift giving season, I propose we send them some gifts. Like several nuclear tipped cruise missiles from one of our Navy subs in the gulf. Am I being harsh? For me the answer is no, not really. This is a very practical and well thought out solution to two different dilemmas we currently face here in the U.S.

First and foremost this act would begin the inevitable war between Islam and the rest of the free world. This is going to happen sooner or later, so lets get it over with before Europe has been taken over without a shot fired. We are Americans after all and we are the ones who do the dirty work when our Eurotrash brethren get in over their heads.

Secondly and you probably didn't see this coming but it forces us to drill for our own oil right here in the good ole U.S.A. By wiping Mecca off the map we have very efficiently cut our ties to the foreign oil supply, FOR GOOD. And as an added bonus we can now remove our troops from Iraq and Afghanistan so our whiny left-wing moonbats can stop crying about war for oil.

If we as a nation are to survive we must be willing to do what must be done. Make no mistake in thinking that a new crusade against Islam is not needed. The enemy is here on our soil as evidenced by the Ft. Hood shooting. They are going to control Europe within the next 20 to 30 years; if you don't believe that just check the population growth stats. They have been working for this for the past 1,350 years and they're not stopping now.

The death cult that is Islam must be obliterated. Do I support this genocide? You bet I do, with every fiber in my being. I know the simple truth that our leaders and the pseudo-intellectuals want to deny. Read the Koran and the Hadiths if you can stomach the insane ramblings of a murderous pedophile. This is not just a religion it is way of life(servitude) that demands complete and total obedience. The very meaning of the word Islam is SURRENDER. Jihad against infidels is a requirement of this death cult.

If you believe me to be wrong just keep your head in the sand. If you think possibly that I might be right do yourself a favor and visit the following websites:,,,, and Educate yourselves and everyone else you know. Our current POTUS is a muslim sympathiser who has already put muslims in high ranking positions in the Dept. of Homeland Security. You will see the terrorist masterminds of 9/11 spewing their hatred of us when they stand trial in New York. Their beliefs ARE the widely held beliefs of the rest of the Islamic world. We are kaffirs and must die, submit to slavery or convert there is no alternative in their eyes.

The A

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