Monday, November 30, 2009

Top Stories Of The Year ....That the MSM Ignored

The argument that the so-called mainstream media is not a propaganda tool of the Left is surely over. Huge news exposing corruption in this country has come forth and it has not been reported by ABC, CBS, NBC, The New York Times, The Chicago Tribune or The L.A. Times. These stories have one thing in common: they make the Left look very bad.

The Global Warming/Climate Change crowd has been caught red-handed fudging numbers to make themselves appear to have factual data on their side. Has any of the aforementioned media outlets covered this story? The answer is a resounding NO!

One of Chairman Maobama's favorite Community Organizers (ACORN) was caught (on more than one occasion and more than one location) encouraging the setup of a brothel to be occupied by underage illegal aliens. Status of this story within the MSM: IGNORED.

Kenneth Gladney, an out of work man just trying to make some money by selling " Don't Tread On Me" merchandise  outside a townhall meeting in St.Louis, is brutally attacked by SEIU union thugs. The MSM is again silent even after it takes local prosecutors almost 3 months to file misdemeanor charges against the union members.

Finally for the last entry. Have you heard of Rifqa Bary? Probably not. She is a Christian convert from Islam. Her father threatened her with death because of this and she ran away from her home in Ohio to the safety of a Christian family in Florida. Under Sharia Law poor Rifqa is deemed an apostate and must either be imprisoned for the rest of her life or killed. This fact is indisputable as all facets of Islamic Law are quite clear on the punishment for apostasy. Hearings were held in Florida where the Ohio authorities claimed that Rifqa was in no danger if she was returned to her parents(who it just so happens are illegal immigrants from Sri Lanka). A final custody hearing has been set for late December. The mainstream media has been nonexistant in covering this story. Fox News has also not covered this, most likely due to the fact that the Saudi Royal family owns a stake in Newscorp.

If you want to get all of the news that is fit to print avoid the MSM and try the Internet's best news outlets.,, The Drudge Report, JihadWatch and Atlas Shrugs. There are many  reasons that the newspapers are dying but probably the most important reason is content or lack thereof.

The A

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