Friday, December 4, 2009

18 Months Until the White Flag Waves

The Chairman has spoken ...we will send 30,000 more troops to Afghanistan to take care of Al-qaeda. Never mind the fact that he gave Al-qaeda and their brothers in arms the Taliban a timetable on our withdrawal. Gee, is this how wars are won? In the real world you don't frigging tell the enemy when you are going to leave. I beleive our troops would agree that not giving the enemy your plans is rule #1 in warfare. What a complete dumbass...and the Libs said Bush was an idiot??!! Excuse me for being a little simple minded, but can we not all agree that surging troops and announcing our intention to leave in 18 months is a REALLY BAD IDEA. The ragheads we are fighting will be more than happy to stand down or at least scale back their attacks for the next 18 months. The wunderkind that is POTUS shows how little he actually knows about the rest of the world every time he makes a speech(or the teleprompter does it for him). Where is Lee Harvey Oswald when you need him? 2012 is auch a long way away. The damage this quota-baby does now will take decades to undo if we don't retake Congress from the Dems in 2010. I'm so thoroughly disgusted with the government and the sheeple who see Obamao as the great savior. Most of us saw something bad coming but this is gettin' downright scary.

The A

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