Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Hope and Change?

 During the political campaigns of 2008 our country was promised among other things "honest leadership" and "transparency". So far that hasn't happened and won't happen until the likes of Sen. Harry Reid and Rep. Nancy Pelosi are well below ground. They promised to deliver jobs. Didn't happen. They promised to curb the deficit. Didn't happen. They promised health care for all, without adding to the deficit. Didn't happen and sure as hell will increase the deficit. They promised us they would post bills online so we could read them before they voted. Didn't happen much. They promise the Sun, the Moon and the stars and the people keep buying these empty promises.

Here's an idea. Vote every last one of them out in 2010 and 2012. I don't have an Ivy League education but the fact of the matter is I could do a hell of a lot better than any of the assclowns in Congress. How would I make the system better? Well, first and foremost, I would follow the Constitution to the letter. Something these morons have forgotten how to do. That being said here is a list of things that I feel we need to have happen to revitalize our nation.

1. Term limits on Congress. 2 terms equaling 8 total years in either the House or the Senate. Once you've served you are done. If you've served your allotted time in the House you will not be permitted to serve in the Senate and vice-versa.

2. Lobbyist groups will no longer be able to present gifts of any kind to any member of Congress or their families. Nor will they be able to contribute in any way to any campaign funds either on behalf of their group or personally. All lobbyists must be registered if they are found to be working as one and are not registered they should be fined up to 10 million dollars or face incarceration of up to 10 years. Their choice.

3. Concerning conflicts of interest. There are far too many in Congress that help pass bills that benefit themselves and their families directly(I'm talking about you John Murtha). Anything that appears to be a conflict of interest must be treated as one. Period.

4. Congressional pay must be capped and Congress must not have the power to raise their own pay. Talk about handing a loaded  gun to a toddler, only bad things can happen. If the idiots in Washington were really concerned with "serving the people", they wouldn't mind getting paid like a regular working stiff. Salary for both the House and the Senate should be no more than 60,000 a year. Hell you have to be rich to get elected in the first place, and since they don't actually work 5 days a week for at least 50 weeks a year they sure as hell don't deserve over 100,000 a year now do they?

That is just a little that could be done to fix Congress. And if you don't think these are worthwhile changes, just take a look at the approval ratings on our dear sweet morons in Congress. More to come from me on fixing our failed Republic.

The A

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