Thursday, December 24, 2009

Common Sense No Longer Exists

 The Socialists in Congress seem to think that we as Americans must have "universal health care" or we are doomed. The thought of the poor dieing in the streets makes their poor little hearts bleed. The fact that no one can be turned away for a medical emergency from any hospital in America escapes all on the side of granting the government more power to determine our fate is completely ignored.

Now, I will be the first to admit that health insurance is way to frigging expensive. However, there are many things that could be done to make health care affordable to the masses without giving up our freedoms and destroying the best health care system in the world. How about making all health care expenses tax deductable?  Wouldn't that make a little more sense than adding on to the largest national debt in history? Oh, but wait, that wouldn't be fair to the poor would it? You see Congress MUST get tax revenues from the wealthy/working class to pay for all of it's silly ass programs to keep the poor on their plantations. How about Congress not spending so much frikken money?!!

There are solutions to all of our national problems. Unfortunately, we don't have enough dedicated, strong-willed people in our government to do what must be done. The House passed their bill and now the Senate has passed their own. Fortunately for us, both bills are different and it will take an act of God for them to come to an agreement to pass such an abomination. The main similiarity in these bills is their lack of common sense and logic. Never mind the fact that over half the country is against both bills or any type of government take-over of health care.

I truly believe that any socialized health care system implemented by Congress would be absolutely unconstitutional. We can only hope if something like this is passed the Supreme Court would finally step up to the plate and actually do it's job. Yes, I'm well aware that people need good health care. The most glaring problem with the idea of these congressional plans is there is not one thing in the Constitution of these United States of America that says you have the right to free health care.

This whole subject thoroughly irritates me and now I have a headache or is it a tumor?! an aneurysm?! Oh crap, what will I do without the help of Obamao, Pelostink and Reid?!!!

The A

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