Friday, April 9, 2010

No Nukes! No Nukes!!!!!!!

Chairman Maobama in all of his glory and wisdom has decided that the U.S. should dismantle our nuclear arsenal. His idea that if we do it everyone else will follow our lead. Did anyone not see this coming? This idiot is the most radical left-wing moonbat to ever sit in the oval office. He stated we would not use nukes even in a retaliatory strike. What frikking planet does this guy come from? Are we sure his name isn't Moonbeam Love Is All We Need Obama? Could Obama be Neville Chamberlain reincarnated?

Of all the idiotic things he could do, this one is just plain dangerous. Let's get anecdotal shall we? If you lived in a dangerous area and put a sign in your yard stating you had no weapons and would not fight back, what the hell do you think would happen? How long would you survive?

This whole premise is so flawed  that defies any form of rational thought. This is like the great state of Texas coming out and stating that law enforcement officers would no longer carry guns and they were abolishing the death penalty.

What ever happened to walk softly but carry a big stick? Does Obama think bowing and carrying an olive branch will gain the respect of our enemies?

While the greatest threat to mankind (the Islamic Republic of Iran) is hard at work developing nuclear weapons to use against Israel and possibly the U.S. The sitting POTUS takes away the one deterrent we have. This should be considered treason and we should be impeaching him right now.

The A  aka HENCHMAN21