Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Collateral Murder My Ass

Wikileaks released this this video today via YouTube under the site name of After watching all 39 minutes of this extraordinary footage shot from the gun sight camera of the Apache helicopter that did the shooting all I can say is.......GREAT SHOOTIN' BOYS!  The pilot and gunner did exactly what they were supposed to do in that situation. They received a call from troops on the ground informing them of incoming rounds from that area and went to work.

They identified what appeared to be hostile targets and asked for permission to fire on those targets. Permission was given and they annihilated those targets. You will clearly see in the video that there was a wounded man trying to crawl away. While I probably would have finished him off they did not at that point. Moments later a van comes along and starts to retrieve the wounded and dead. As our ground troops had not arrived on the scene to assess the casualties, our helicopter crew once again asks for and receives permission to fire. Why you ask? These could be insurgents trying to whisk away valuable info that could be obtained from questioning survivors and also to keep them from recovering weapons. The gunner took out these people and their van, just as he should have.

After the shooting was over the chopper remained on station until ground troops arrived to secure the area. As this situation was wrapping up, the Apache crew was informed of more insurgents in the streets fairly close by. So they went and observed several armed hostiles entering a building under construction. Our intrepid helicopter crew again asked for and received permission to fire upon the enemy. Three Hellfire missiles hit the target and our enemies in the building were headed off to paradise and their 72 virgin(olives).

So why all the fuss? It seems that the insurgents on the street had with them two reporters from Reuters who were killed in the shooting. Also two children were wounded. As someone over the radio said "they shouldn't have brought their kids". As for the reporters, I have no sympathy. If you are in a war zone keep your fuckin' head down and stay out of the line of fire if you ain't gonna participate. There are now people calling for the heads of this helicopter crew. You know the same anti-war, anti-America, peace at all cost, hippie, liberal morons that I hate with every fiber in my being.

What were they supposed to do? Fly down and get out of the chopper and ask if they were hostiles?? They received intel and observed what appeared to be hostiles with men on the ground under fire. They did their job....very well and should be given medals. Fuck Reuters and every other news source that is trying to screw these fine American fighting men.

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