Monday, March 1, 2010

Nancy Pelosi and Healthcare


The White House said over the weekend that it wants a "simple up-or-down" vote on health-care legislation. What does this mean? According to Nancy Pelosi, it means that lawmakers should vote for the bill ... even if it means losing their jobs in Washington. She says, "We're not here just to self-perpetuate our service in Congress ... We're here to do the job for the American people."

That, my friends, is a crock. This isn't about doing a job for the American people. This is about getting control of the American people. The Democrat push for health care has never been about improving the delivery of health care to the American people. It has always been about gaining control.

Since 1994 the Democrats vowed that if they ever got complete control in Washington again they would immediately move to make sure that they never lost that control again. To do this they would move immediately to make as many more Americans dependent on government as possible. That's what this push for government health care has been about ... and that's all it has been about; making Americans dependent on government for their health care. Why do you think they aren't willing to discuss private sector solutions, like allowing insurance companies to sell across state lines? Reason? Because that doesn't increase their power one bit. This is about a grab for power ... nothing less. They control your health care; they control you.

If you people go to sleep on this you will regret it until your dying day .. .and your children and grandchildren will curse you for it ... asking themselves how this generation allowed so much of once was America to slip away. 

-The Mormon