Monday, February 22, 2010


It took 'em a while didn't it? The question I have is are they worried about his pre-presidential record or his lackluster presidential record? The dhimmicrats pushed the most unqualified man in the history of politics on us as the "savior of all mankind". So far, "The One" has shown only that the emperor truly has no clothes or clues.

With a commanding majority in Congress behind him he has accomplished ZERO, NADA, NOTHING. With the Global Warming house of cards falling faster than a bucket of chicken disappearing in front of Michelle, his Cap and Trade legislation is DEAD. His bid to take over health care, while not quite dead, is on serious life-support. Obamao and his progressive cronies in Congress are threatening to use the "nuclear option" to pass this abomination, which could lead in to a very dangerous place both for their political careers as well as their very existence. One only needs to look at the public opinion polls to know that destroying our health care system will bring about heavy resistance.

The Chicago-land style politics may still work in Chicago, but the rest of America won't tolerate this bullshit much longer. Obamao suffers from the same problem G.W.Bush suffered from. He has blinders on and his course is set. He has to do health care whether we want it or not. It is just too bad we don't have a system like the Japanese do, we could just have a vote of "NO CONFIDENCE" in the emperor and his party that would bring about new elections faster than waiting for 2012.

The A