Monday, February 8, 2010

Congressman John Murtha takes the Eternal Dirt Nap

Today we lost a great American.....haha just kidding. Congressman John Murtha (D) of Pennsylvania died and leaves a legacy of corruption that all Democrats aspire to achieve. For many years he was on the Judicial Watch top ten most corrupt politicians. Many will hail his decorated service as a U.S. Marine, I will not. During the war against Saddam Hussein he disgraced the Corps and all of our men and women serving in the military.

His corruption runs so deep that it would take me days to list all of his transgressions, so I won't. He isn't worth my time. Feel free to look him up if you doubt me. Being that I am not religious and am not bound to any dogma. I am free to speak ill of this pathetic excuse of a man. If there is a hell.....I truly hope that he has joined Teddy Kennedy and all those like him for a nice flesh burning party.
My final thought on the passing of John Murtha......Good riddance to bad rubbish.

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