Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Why? Why? Why?

I've been complaining for a couple of weeks about advertisements for the upcoming "Census".  Today news broke that the Census Bureau had bought a 30 second spot during the "Super Bowl". What is the cost of this ad ??? 2.5 MILLION DOLLARS!!!! People are now starting to wake up and question this waste of taxpayer money. The questions are many and all very simple.

1. Why do they need to advertise the census at all?
2. How much did they pay Christopher Guest to write and direct these commercials?
3. How many commercials have been shot?
4. Did they really need to get Ed Begley Jr. and other Hollywood actors to be in these ads?
5. How much did they pay Ed Begley Jr. and the others?
6. How much of OUR money was paid out for other production costs?
7. How many times are they going to run these ads?
8. How much are we paying for these ads every time they are run?

You can think of more questions, I'm sure. With the financial situation the country finds itself in at this point in time, I sure as hell can think of better ways for that money to be spent. On second thought , here's an idea: QUIT SPENDING MONEY WE DON"T FRIGGING HAVE FOR SHIT WE DON"T NEED.

END OF RANT      The A