Monday, February 1, 2010

Black History Month? Bah!

The month Black people anxiously await for is nearly upon us, and February can barely contain the narration we are soon to be inundated with as Black History Month prepares for 28 days of chronicling the trials, tribulations and overcoming against all odds that Black people continue to endure on a daily basis.

We believe Black History Month to be a special time to reflect upon the contributions of Black people to the United States of America. However, the endless and comical quest of locating individuals worthy of admiration and remembrance is a task on par with cleaning the Augean Stables.

Peanut butter? Traffic lights? Compared to the people who built rockets that have sent man-made objects out of our solar system, conquered the atom and created the iPhone, stories of refusing to get off of a bus in Montgomery appear a tad overblown in their historical importance.

It seems Black History Month is an exercise in futility, an endless search for relevance in a sea of achievements by other people of surprisingly monochromatic color.

The Mormon a racist?  Naw, just stating the facts as I see them.

-The Mormon