Friday, February 12, 2010

A Special THANK YOU to Obama, Pelosi and Reid


Thank you for showing the American people that your promise of "Hope and Change" is coming. With the deaths of Kennedy and Murtha coupled with the many retirements of Democrats in Congress, that change is soon to be a reality. The very public displays of elitism made by Obamao and his cronies have brought many Americans out of their sleep. The Tea Parties have been successful in polarizing the conservatives of America to stand up and say "NO MORE!" What awakened the sleeping giant?

Chairman Obamao has championed policies that are in direct conflict with the very fabric of our values and our Constitution. Cow-towing to the U.N., Cap and Trade, and government controlled health care are not acceptable to the vast majority of America. The MSM has been complicit in trying to force these "fundamental changes" on us. One only has to look at the ratings and polls to know that we aren't falling for it anymore.

The election of Scott Brown to the "Kennedy" seat from Massachusetts proves change is coming. Just not the change the Emperor and Queen Nancy wanted. The Dems are circling their wagons but, we can only hope it is too late. November is coming quickly and will mark the first time in over 50 years that there will not be a Kennedy in any national office. Yes the economy still sucks major ass but things are starting to look up. Thank you again President Obamao, Speaker Pelosi and Senator Reid. Keep it up! We will run your asses out on a rail.

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