Thursday, July 1, 2010

Classless, Clueless and Definately Un-American

Do you notice anything missing from the "One's" only press conference of the year so far? Where is Old Glory in this picture? Yes, that's it, the emperor with no clothes doesn't have a flag either. I dare you to find a picture of any POTUS in history giving a press conference in the White House that did not have the flag prominently displayed. Want more? 

Here is Obummer tossing a flower into the center of a memorial as Sen. John McCain properly bends over and places his rose on the memorial.      Not done by a long shot.

Protocol dictates that the POTUS bows to no man. Yet, here we have seen him do it not once but twice. Did he bow to the Queen of England? I doubt it since it will be proven one day that Barrak Hussein Obama is in fact a Muslim.      Keep going there is one more.

What would you expect the President of the United States to do when the national anthem is played? Certainly not what this slack jawed interloper is seen doing in the above photo.

The longer this atrocity is allowed to go on, the more the rest of the world will lose the respect this great nation has earned over the past two hundred years. I am truly sickened.

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