Monday, July 5, 2010

A Patriot Speaks


This is a man that get's it. Lt. Col. Alan West is a Tea Partier. Does that make him racist? Even though he is black? What would Jeanine Garofalo or Keith Olberman say? Is he just another ignorant tea-bagger? 

I for one, hope that he wins by a landslide in the Congressional race for District 22 in Florida. Maybe, just maybe, he will pull a Barack Obama and run for POTUS in 2012. I would sure as hell give him my vote. It is quite interesting that the MSM is pretty much ignoring Lt. Col. West, considering that he is a black tea party member. I guess they still want everyone to believe that all us tea-baggers are klansmen. (even though the Dems are the party of the KKK.