The sticker above was left posted outside a park near Whitehall in London recently. The same left-wing libtards that want gay marriage also defend the "Ground Zero Mosque". I guess some people are so fucking blind to how the real world is that it doesn't matter to them that the fringe groups they defend cannot co-exist. Somewhere buried in the unholy Koran a passage seems to exist denouncing homosexual activities.(even though it is a widely held belief that Mohammed had some rather strong feelings for one of his male followers) The penalty for being gay in an Islamic Society is of course the death.
The hypocrisy of the Left is truly astounding. If I called for the execution of all gays, I would be hounded night and day by these idiots. Whereas the Mohammedans not only get a free pass on this type of "hate-speech"(gotta love using a libtard classification against them) but the Left actually supports known terrorists with money. I'm talking specifically about you Barbara Boxer and Code Pink. treason-in-america
The Left has a problem. Beside the fact that they are brain dead morons, they don't know how to pick a side. Either you support Gay rights or you support Islamic Sharia Law. How fucking hard is that? The Left claims to be all about Women's rights yet they still support the Islamofascists. How do Mohammedans treat their women you ask? Try these links:Woman and children killed, No such thing as rape in marriage, part of daily life.
Let me blunt with my final point and the reason for this post. I have ignored posting on this issue long enough. There is no fucking way we as Americans can sit idly by and let a Mosque be built at "Ground Zero". But it's two blocks awaaay, cry the Libs. NO actually it is NOT. The landing gear from the first plane to hit the Twin Towers landed in that building, making that part of GROUNDFUCKINGZERO! End of discussion, debate and whining. A line from the movie "Field of Dreams" comes to mind here. "If you build it....they will come." You bet your ass they will. This is nothing short of a victory mosque showing Islamic superiority over America.
The problem for them is If they do build it...WE WILL COME and DESTROY it.
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