Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The END of the World is Approaching.....

Headline for "The Drudge Report"- UN Climate Warning- "We have only 4 months to secure the fate of planet" OMFG!!!! I am soooooo scared.

So, let me get this straight. If we don't curb the production of CO2 and other so-called "greenhouse gases" the planet will die. Even with my public/government school edumacation, I know for a fact that CO2 aka carbon dioxide is a good thing for our planet. It is the life giver to all plants, which by the way, produce the very Oxygen we breathe. For the past couple of decades we have been spoon fed this idea that man (the United States of America) is responsible for Global Warming/Climate Change. I say- BULLSHIT! We have let this pseudo science go on on long enough.

The MSM would have you believe that the U.S.A. is the biggest source of environmental pollution on the planet. Here is a fact that they seem to disregard on a daily basis. The U.S. has been at the forefront of curbing pollution for over 40 years. We have pollution standards already in place since the 1970's that the majority of the rest of the world can't even begin to match. You want real pollution?? Go to China, India or Russia.

As far as "Global Warming" goes, well, they have changed the name to "Climate Change". Why?? Because the planet has been in a cooling phase since the late 1990's. Supposedly this is all man kinds fault. We will just have to ignore the fact that this planet revolves around the Sun and has it's own cycles that we have NO control over.

The U.N. (otherwise known as "The Crazy Dictator's Club"), our government and thousands of corporations keep on with this joke for one reason and one reason only. $$$MONEY$$$. The weather will change whether we like it or not. Anyone ever heard of the Ice Age?? Trust me when I say "It ain't gonna happen in our lifetime or even in your children's children's lifetimes." Go research for yourself. You WILL find that over half of the experts in the field of "Climate Change" consider this all a bunch of alarmist bunk.

The A

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