Thursday, August 27, 2009

Trashing The Dead Is What I Do

The love-fest for dear old Teddy is in full swing in the media. (I might just toss my cookies.)
Let's look at some of Edward's accomplishments, shall we?

1. Got kicked out of Harvard for cheating. Hmmm rule/law breaking ran in the family. Look up Joe Kennedy.
2. Got off with 2 months probation for driving into a lake (most undoubtedly drunk) and leaving Mary Jo Kopechne to drown in the vehicle while he went back to his hotel to work on an alibi.
3. Was instrumental in Congress pulling all funding of the South Vietnamese after our troops were pulled out. This action directly led to the slaughter of thousands upon thousands of innocent people by the North Vietnamese.
4. He was a Kennedy, that in and of itself is enough to earn my scorn.

Do not be fooled; the world is a far better place without the esteemed "Lion of the Senate".

The A

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