Friday, August 28, 2009


The CDC is rushing trials of the H1N1 flu virus vaccine and trying along with the government and the W.H.O. to cause a panic over this supposed imminent "pandemic". I for one will have nothing to do with this vaccine or their fear-mongering.

Before you get the idea that I'm a bit loony. hear me out. This whole thing smells quite fishy to me. The fact that this virus is spreading right when the Democrats are pushing so hard for Government run health care, just doesn't sit well with me. Would they? Could they use this whole situation to their advantage? Do YOU trust this government to truly have YOUR best interests at heart? Do you know anyone with the "swine flu"?

I cannot and will not trust this government to protect me from anything or anyone; be it the flu or terrorists. If you or your loved ones take this vaccine and something bad happens; don't say you weren't warned.

The A

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