Friday, September 4, 2009


Mark down September 8th on your calender, not because that is the day of The Atheist's birth, but for a far more sinister reason. The White House has a special message for all public schoolchildren. They say it is about education but this has the looks of a "Hitler Youth" type program written all over it.

Many would say I'm overreacting to this, but what would they say if this had been former POTUS George W. Bush. The "left-wing moonbats" would have raised an unbelievable ruckus. With the information that keeps coming out about all the Marxist/Socialist/Communist/America haters that Chairman Maobama has appointed as Czars does this kind of activity not scare you a little?

The Chocolate Jesus has already said he wants a national civilian security force to be as big, powerful and well funded as the military. This could be viewed very much the same as Hitler's Brown Shirts. The vast majority of this new organization is already in place as members of ACORN and SEIU. So the idea of the "Obama Youth" doesn't sound so far fetched to me. Imagine your children "captive audience" in public "government" school being asked to serve their President aka The Superintendent In Chief. The White House has already tried to get citizens to report other citizens for having dissenting views of their cherished leader. Is this where they have your children inform on you?

September 8th should be National Skip Day for all of America's youth. Keep your children home in protest of Chairman Maobama and his cabal of America hating left-wingers. Show them that WE THE PEOPLE STILL HAVE THE POWER.

The A

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