Thursday, September 10, 2009

9/11 National Day of Service My Ass

Tomorrow will be September 11th, 2009; the eight year anniversary of the most horrible terrorist attack in U.S. history. Dear leader and his minions in Congress have decided to change this date on our calender from a National Day of Remembrance to a National Day of Service. This is a completely unacceptable action. Every year that goes by, more and more Americans seem to forget what happened, especially New Yorkers, who were the hardest hit.

3,000 people were wiped off the face of the earth by muslim terrorists. Notice I did not say radical or extremist muslims. The reason for that is they were not radical or extreme, they were in fact devout muslims following the orders of the Quran. We have been in a so-called "War on Terrorism" since that day in 2001. However, our enemy has been at war with us non-stop for the last 1,350 years. Our government has been blinded by the oil rich muslim countries of the Middle East. Bush did not understand that the Saudis and Pakistanis only appear to be our allies; they are not. Chairman Maobama was raised as a muslim- he knows they are not, but that won't stop him from playing their game.

Our enemies use our freedoms against us. We have groups living in our own country planning and training to carry on this jihad against us. And of course they have mouthpieces such as C.A.I.R. to tell us Islam is a religion of peace. Our Left-wing media falls all over themselves defending Islam. We cannot defeat terrorism until we as a people understand that the religion of Islam and all that adhere to it's philosophies are the true enemy of freedom and the American way of life.

I will never serve the Chocolate Jesus or any of his followers just like I would never believe anything uttered by the Prophet Mohammed(may he burn in everlasting hell). I will mourn the loss of my countrymen every 11th of September until the day I die.

The A

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