Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Hollywood defends the indefensible

After 32 years of hiding in plain sight, convicted child rapist Roman Polanski is being held in Switzerland awaiting extradition back to the U.S. In 1978 Polanski plead guilty to one count of unlawful sexual conduct with a minor. The plea deal was facilitated with the help of the victim's family, as they did not want the child to have to testify in open court. Make no mistake THIS was RAPE plain and simple. Is there anyone other than the "Prophet Mohammed" who would defend a man in his 40's having forced sex with a 13 year old? Believe it or not but the answer is YES.

Liberal Hollywood has rallied to defend this disgrace of a man. A quote from the talented and brilliant(sarc) Whoopie Goldberg- " It wasn't rape-rape. " So in Whoopie's mind giving a 13 year old little girl champagne and a Quaalude and then forcing both vaginal and anal sex on her is not rape??!!! I am shocked , I was almost certain that that would be the very definition of rape! My whole value system must be completely out of kilter.

Many have said over the blogosphere that it is time for Roman to face prosecution, they must be either stupid or misinformed. He plead GUILTY!!! He must be brought back to California to begin serving his prison sentence. The Attorney General of California should make damn sure the this sick, twisted piece of shit serves every single day of the sentence that was handed down. To HELL with Hollywood and anyone else that would dare defend Polanski. Go here if you think maybe I got it wrong:
  • www.thesmokinggun.com

  • The A

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