Monday, October 5, 2009

History Repeating Itself.....

The fight goes on in Afghanistan, whether people agree with it or not. U.S. General McChrystal is asking for a surge in the number of troops to keep the Taliban from regrouping. Chairman Maobama has let two weeks go by since the request was made, with no answer. Our Dear Leader's National Security Adviser (ret)Gen. James Jones has come out against McChrystal.

My questions are simple. Do we have that short of a memory? Did we learn nothing from the disaster that was Vietnam? The answer to both questions is a resounding NO. However, we must now look at our civilian leadership a little more closely. The people in the White House and in Congress right now , are the same people who were spitting on my father when he returned from Vietnam. The Left is against all forms of violence, even when justified. They were against the invasion of both Iraq and Afghanistan from the beginning.

The Obama Administration has followed in the grand footsteps of Lyndon B. Johnson since they took over. The most important lesson that should have been taken from the Vietnam War is that politicians should let the commanders on the battlefield make the decisions. Afghanistan will get completely out of control and we will lose way to many troops if the idiots in Washington stay the course. We have the most well trained and technologically superior fighting force the world has ever known. I fear that the Libtards will let this turn in to another cluster-fuck like Somalia and we will turn tail and run, empowering our enemies overseas even more. Here's hoping I'm wrong.

The A

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