Friday, October 9, 2009

Nobel Peace Prize Has No Meaning

I woke up today with a semi-positive outlook on the world as whole. Then I checked the news. Have I been transported to an alternate universe, where up is down, and black is white? In my youth I was certain that only the most deserving and highly qualified were ever given a Nobel Prize. After some internal debate with the many voices in my head, I checked the list of winners of the Nobel Peace Prize. Honestly, I think Obama belongs on this list. Let's take a look at a few recent winners, shall we?

In 1994 the P.L.O terrorist Yassir Arafat won. This was awarded to him for his work in spreading peace(suicide bombers) in the Middle East.

In 2001 the prize was awarded to Secretary General of the U.N. Kofi Annan. This must have been for his quashing of the Rwandan Genocide. Oh wait, he didn't stop that did he? In fact it is still going on. Isn't it?

In 2002 (the worst president in U.S. history) Jimmy Carter got the award as a slap to the face of then current president George W. Bush. I guess you get the prize for defending brutal dictators like Saddam Hussein, Fidel Castro and Hugo Chavez.

In 2005 Dr. Mohamed Mostafa ElBaradei the Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency won for his outstanding efforts in denying North Korea and Iran the capability of producing nuclear weapons. Oh wait that's not right is it?

In 2007 former Vice President of the United States of America Al Gore won for his tireless work to fight global warming. LMAO. Good ole Al, he who invented the internet and profits from pollution on the family land in Tennessee. I could write for days on this asshole.

Now, here we are today POTUS Barrack Hussein Obama has been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. For what? Has he accomplished anything? It must be for apologizing for all the past evil that we as Americans have perpetrated on the rest of humanity.

I thought when I woke up I was in an alternate universe, after further review I must conclude that I'm just living the nightmare that is our world.

The A

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