Friday, October 30, 2009

Death Wish for Generations X and Y

A mere ten years after the release of one of my favorite movies ever, Boondock Saints 2 - All Saints Day hits theaters in New York and L.A. tonight. The reviews have been harsh to say the least. I for one say f**k the reviewers and their opinions. The first Saints movie was panned as a horrible attempt at a Tarantino flick. I don't see it that way at all and am quite sure there are plenty of people who would agree with me. I see the original Boondock Saints as my generations "Death Wish". I'm quite sure the critics would hate Death Wish if it was released today too. This is not a movie franchise that will win Academy Awards, it's just good old fashioned blood "n" guts American movie making at it's finest.

Can this movie be as good as the first? Will it live on in infamy on DVD like it's predecessor? Could Director Troy Duffy possibly top the outrageous gay FBI agent Smecker, played completely over the top by Willem Dafoe? These questions will be answered soon enough and for all of the elitist movie reviewers already panning this flick.....take a chill pill and let's have some fun with a few laughs and a whole lot of dead bad guys.

The A

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