Monday, October 12, 2009

So Bush was evil and controlled by Karl Rove huh?

For 8 years I heard the nonsensical ramblings of the Bush-hating Left crying that Karl Rove and Halliburton were controlling Pres. Bush. Hmmm, If Bush was a puppet, can it also be assumed that Obama is one as well?

Who got the New Messiah elected? A grand coalition of left-wing nut jobs that pretty much starts with George Soros and ends with A.C.O.R.N.

During the debates the question of experience and policy making was posed to Obama. He replied that he would surround himself with the greatest minds on every subject. Boy oh boy, did you guys fall for that one, hook, line and sinker. Lets look at who he has surrounded himself with.

The following are Obama's BIG THREE:

1. The Apollo Alliance: A so-called grass roots organization dedicated to the "energy independence" of the U.S. Founded by Sen. Maria Cantwell (D-WA), Leo Gerard International President of the United Steelworkers, Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. (D-IL) and Carl Pope Executive Director of The Sierra Club. The group has worked tirelessly to make sure that NO drilling for oil offshore or on is done here in the U.S. So much for energy independence. The Apollo Alliance is the group that wrote the stimulus package for Obama.

2. A.C.O.R.N. : Do I really have to say anything about these idiots? LOL

3. SEIU (Service Employees International Union): A union originally set up for custodial service workers that was hijacked by left-wing fanatics with the help of the aforementioned A.C.O.R.N. The members of SEIU have been the foot soldiers in Obama's war to nationalize healthcare.

The three outfits above have a very generous benefactor by the name of George Soros. Soros is responsible for the Centers For American Progress,,, and America Coming Together- all of which are radical left-wing groups. His net worth is believed to be 11 billion dollars and he uses millions of that to promote his left-wing ideology.

Now for the people Obama surrounds himself with.

1. William Ayers: The former Weather Underground leader who bombed police stations and the Pentagon. This unrepentant piece of human filth should have been executed decades ago. Ayers recently admitted to ghost-writing one of Obama's books. So much for Obama saying he knew Ayers but that they weren't close.

2. Van Jones: Self proclaimed communist and black radical. He was outed by Glenn Beck of Fox News and Breitbart and resigned his position as Green Jobs Czar for the Obama administration.

3. Kevin Jennings: A crusader for all things gay, lesbian or trans-gender. He violated state law as a teacher for not reporting sex between an underage student and an adult. He is still working for Obama and is the Safe Schools Czar.

Unfortunately, this is just the tip of the iceberg. There will be more radical leftist ideologues outed in the coming months. Each one could be even more repulsive than the last. We needed unions and radicals running this country about as much as I need another hole in my head.

The A

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