Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The Pot Calling The Kettle...Well You Know

The former POTUS (and The A's least favorite relative) has opened his idiotic mouth AGAIN. He stated that Rep. Joe Wilson's outburst at Chairman Maobama "YOU LIE!!" was based on racism and followed that sentiment off with stating that most of the opposition to the grand exalted leader is due to bigotry. Well if anyone knows about bigotry and hatred it's good ole Jimmah. The man that funds his "Carter Center" with millions of dollars from Arab(Muslim) backers. Considering Jimmy is the preeminent Jew hater among non-muslims on the planet, maybe he knows a thing or two about bigotry. The thing is, for myself and virtually everyone I know, the hatred we have for Obama has nothing to do with his race and everything to do with his policies and motives. Cousin Jimmy needs to just sit down and STFU.

The A

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