Wednesday, September 9, 2009

We Don't Need Obama Care

I had surgery today. For the second time in two years I had a lipoma (fatty benign tumor) removed from the back of my head. The first time I had medical insurance, the second time I did not.

Which surgery cost more?? The sheep of the land would naturally say the first was.....and they would most definitely be wrong. At the time of my first surgery I was paying $232.00 a month for this wonderful medical insurance that Chairman Maobama and Nancy Pelosi seem to think is so necessary for all Americans. Due to the conditions laid out by my insurance company, I had to see my regular doctor first and get a referral. This cost me another $30.00 plus time away form work that cost me at least $45.00. The visit to see the surgeon to schedule the procedure cost me $25.00 and at least another $50.00 from missing work. The surgery was performed at a hospital and the bill was over $3000.00. The Insurance covered all but $800.00. So out of pocket expenses were a grand total of $1132.00. Wow! Where would I be without the oh so very important medical insurance?

Surgery #2 comes today, long after I cancelled my medical insurance and a few months since I lost my job. The horror of it all! I have to borrow money from my mother to pay for this procedure. How much is it going to cost??? First off, I know what the problem is so I skip the visit to my regular doctor (savings $70.00). I go see my dermatologist, who also does surgical procedures just like this one (cost $70.00). We schedule the procedure for the following week. That day is today. I have the procedure in the surgical room in his office and my mother pays the bill. She takes me home and gets my prescription for Tylenol 3 for me. The cost is?? $550.00 for the surgery and $12.00 for the prescription. Sooooo, the grand total without insurance: $632.00.

So, now , the real questions are : Do we really need to bankrupt this country for the Dumbocrat socialized health care plan? Would I have been able to get this done in such a timely fashion? If their plan to destroy our system goes through would my highly skilled and seasoned doctor have even performed this surgery for me?

The answer to those three questions is the same. A resounding NO! My doctor has already informed me that if we end up with a "single payer" system he will retire from practice. I'm quite sure he wouldn't be the only one. I have quite a headache from not only the surgery but just the thought Congress controlling my every medical need.

The A

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