Sunday, September 6, 2009

Michael Moore is a LOSER

Michael Moore's new "documentary" will open in October. It will be just another left-wing America hating work of fiction by the most acclaimed "documentary film maker" of our time. This moonbat has become a multi-millionaire making left-wing propaganda films that are bereft of any real facts. This film will be nothing new.

This fat slob has the lunatic fringe salivating over his latest work of shit. (oops that was supposed to say art. My bad!) The box office numbers will surely tell the tale as to whether or not America has truly seen through the Libtard way of thinking that has blinded it for the last few years. The mindless sheep that would actually spend money to see any of "Fat Bastard's" work should be culled from our herd IMHO.

I'm quite sure the film critics of our esteemed MSM will fall all over themselves with praise for this piece of America hating shit. (both the film and Michael Moore) I just hope this morbidly obese troll dies of the heart attack that is surely coming soon. Maybe we'll get lucky and he'll have one premiering the film in Cuba.

The A

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