Monday, June 8, 2009

Big Win for Georgia Voters! (If you're not a Liberal)

This afternoon, the US Supreme Court (SCOTUS) declined to hear arguments about Georgia's (where the Mormon and Atheist reside) voter ID law which requires anyone in the State of Georgia to provide a STATE ISSUED photo ID or drivers license to cast a vote in any election. Liberals and minority groups have bitched and whined since the law was passed in March of 2005 that it put them in an unfair bind on them to get an ID card to be able to vote and that the law gives the "white people" the advantage at the polls.

The move by SCOTUS this afternoon means a January 2009 ruling by a three-judge panel of the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals to uphold the state’s photo ID law is final.

Prior to this law, any Georgian could use any one of 17 types of identification that show the person's name and address, including a driver's license, utility bill, bank statement or a paycheck, to gain access to a voting booth. This lead to many instances of voter fraud in several elections, most recently ones held in 2007

I applaud the justices of SCOTUS for finally putting this matter to bed for good. The idea that it is an inconvenience to go and get a simple ID to prove one's identity is preposterous. You have to have an ID to do just about anything in this day and age. Buy cigarettes and alcohol, open a bank account, get a loan.... many things. You Liberals are still living in the backwoods and think it's the dark ages or something if you still believe that you can walk right up and vote without showing any form of identification.

Too bad this was taken care of before last years presidential election. We might have had someone other than Chocolate Jesus sitting in the WH right now if all the states had voter ID laws similar to ours.

-The Mormon

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