Saturday, June 20, 2009

an email I sent today

I am writing to you and all the other congressional representatives of our fair state(other than that idiot John Lewis) for one reason. You have not been visible in the national news voicing the harsh criticisms of the Obama administration and the Democratic leadership that are expected of you. Working behind the scenes is fine , however, you are our voice and that voice must be heard.
I have voted for you in the past and intend to in the future, but we face a threat to our way of life never seen before in this country. A threat to our very way of life. The Socialist agenda of Obama and the Dems cannot be allowed to proceed. The economy is in shambles and will only get worse under their leadership. Health care in this country is the best in the world and should not be touched by those clowns.
I have so many other issues with this administration that it is impossible to fit them in here. The time for being a southern gentleman is over. Let your voice be heard Senator Chambliss, or in the next election we the people of Georgia will find another voice.

I will be following through and emailing all my congressional representatives.
the A

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