Friday, June 26, 2009

Speaking ill of the dead...

Oh what a day we had yesterday. The passing of two icons of the 1970's. I have been reading twitter messages from celebs all over mourning the loss of poor Michael Jackson. There is not much bad being said about M.J. right now as is customary in our culture. We aren't supposed to speak ill of the dead. What a bunch of nonsense. Let me first say as a young teenager I enjoyed some of his music. As I grew up, his flaws as a person overshadowed any musical accomplishments he ever made. This was a being who obviously had severe mental problems. He disfigured himself with plastic surgery and claimed to have the disease vitilligo. I have known a few people with this condition and from the pictures shown of M.J., he did not have it. Rumors are running rampant that he was addicted to prescription painkillers. I don't doubt this at all. There are many reasons to believe that this person was a serial child molester. But today Hollywood cries out over the loss over a musical icon. I do not, for, if there is a hell, he is surely burning right now.

Farrah, on the other hand, is a different case. She was nothing more than a visual icon. A poster child for the excesses of the 70's and 80's. She was pretty. Did she contribute to society in any meaningful way? No, not really, but she was really pretty.

I think it's about time for this whole Hollywood hero worship thing to end. Why do we as a culture not mourn the loss of the real heroes and heroines who die everyday serving our country in distant lands and keeping us safe here at home? (soldiers, police, firefighters, etc.) But then what should I expect from a country that elected a Hollywood type (all style, no substance) POTUS??

note: I didn't refer to M.J. as a man for obvious reasons.

the A

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