Tuesday, June 9, 2009

I am glad my father and grandfather aren't alive to see what this country is becoming..

My family has a wonderful history of military service to the once great United States of America. My father (M.G.English) served in the U.S. Army for four years before joining the U.S. Navy for twenty-three more. In that time he served around the world including three tours of duty in Vietnam. His father, Curtis English, served in the Navy during WWII in the Pacific theater. My great-uncle Barney Carter was a Marine who fought the Japanese at Iwo Jima . His brother Harris Carter was in the Army Air Corps during WWII. Even their worthless cousin (former POTUS Jimmy Carter) served with the USN.

I feel an enormous amount of relief that none of those great patriots is alive today to see the direction their beloved country is headed in. We live in a new age where even Pravda points out our move towards full-fledged Marxism. The same people who spit on my father upon his return from Vietnam now control the universities and media. The radical left-wingers from the late sixties are now in power.

The systematic takeover of our society started with the radicalization of college students 4 decades ago. Now, one of their own is sitting in the White House. The print and television media hail this man as the new "Messiah". They refused to dig deep and give the people any information on him. He is the "Hollywood President", a cult-like figure with an obscured past. The mainstream media conned the gullible sheep of this country into voting for someone, that nobody, including the media knows anything about.

What do we know of the new "Messiah"? Well let's see. He is our first black president...no wait that's not entirely correct. He is 1/2 white, 1/4 black and a 1/4 arab. Where was he born? We don't really know as no credible proof of birth in the U.S.A. has been provided. What is his religion? Again we don't really know. He was born to a muslim father which in the eyes of Islam makes him a muslim. He says he's a Christian and he went to a so-called Christian church in Chicago (that espoused black supremacy and hatred of whites and Jews). During the presidential campaign he left that church and to our knowledge has not found another church. His ties to radical groups go back to his college days and continue through to this day. I'm so sure this what our departed relatives wanted for our country.

The veterans of our battles past must be rolling in their graves. As our economy rots away, the new Prez borrows more money from our sworn enemy China. In the almost six months since the "anointed one" has taken power, we have moved swiftly towards Socialism. The government has almost total control of our banking system. Two major car manufacturers have gone into bankruptcy. Unemployment is racing for all time highs and they are now beginning their big push for socialized medicine.

Is this what our forefathers fought and died for? For years I have heard the liberal lefties whine about a new world order. Well it is here and it is the left-wingers who are running it. The election cycle starts again in 2010, Hopefully we as a country can redeem ourselves in the eyes of our ancestors.

the A

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