Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Things to get your blood boiling...

My first foray into the news of the world today has left me......bewildered? dumbstruck? I don't know what to call it. First I see that ABC News will be airing an infomercial for Obama's socialist health care plan. The next item was Jimmy Carter calling for Hamas to be taken off the list of terrorist organizations. And in legal/sports news Donte' Stallworth of the Cleveland Browns pled guilty to DUI manslaughter charges.

My thoughts on these three items :

The Chocolate Jesus has moved faster than anyone would have thought in pushing for government run health care. On June 24th ABC will air "Prescription for America" hosted by Charles Gibson from the White House. The mere thought of the dimwits in Washington overseeing my health and well-being is blood curdling. In my eyes there are no good arguments for this happening. The argument that the government runs the military is used all the time by these idiots, but it is not a good one. Our military works in spite of the government. The government runs the Veterans Administration. Nobody in their right mind would have all their health care needs met by the V.A. The idiots in Washington also run AMTRAK, which by the way, has been a resounding failure for the almost 4 decades it has been under government control.

Jimmy Carter(my least favorite blood relative) wants HAMAS off the terror list. Is he joking?? Unfortunately no, he is not. America's worst president will not return quietly to his peanut farm in Plains, GA. He wants this group (whose stated goal of the total destruction of Israel) treated with respect. I think Neal Boortz said it best: "Jimmy Carter has never met a dictator or terrorist he didn't like." When will this knuckle-head just friggin die already?

Donte' Stallworth has proven to the (dumb)masses once again that if you are rich or famous , you can get away with anything. Three months ago, around 7:30 in the morning he was driving his Bentley. He proceeded to run over and fatally injure a man. The breathalyser test on Mr. Stallworth registered .126. The legal limit in Florida is .08, making this a slam dunk case for DUI manslaughter. The minimum sentence for this charge in Florida is 4 years in prison. Now remember Donte' is rich, therfore the rules that apply to you and me don't apply to him. With the help of his lawyers and the judge, Donte' has gotten a deal. He has settled out of court with the victims family and pled guilty to the charge. The judge has sentenced poor Donte' to 30 days in jail, 2 years under house arrest and 1,000 hours of community service. Had he gone to trial and lost , he would have faced up to 15 years in prison. But what about the 4 year minimum sentence? Well it turns out, according to the judge in this case, that pleading guilty is not the same as being convicted. Just another part of our system that has been corrupted.

the A

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