Wednesday, May 27, 2009


The 2008 presidential election revealed once and for all the liberal bias of the "mainstream media". Most rational thinking people (conservatives) already knew the worst offenders. ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNBC and CNN on the television side. The New York Times, L.A Times, AJC and the vast majority of print news was also in the tank for all things Obama.

The worst offenders by far were the news arms of General Electric Corp. The gushing over the "Chocolate Jesus" by Keith Olberman and Chris Mathews was beyond sickening. (The term "Chocolate Jesus" was original penned by ultra-lib Bill Maher, so it's out there and I'm using it.) The question to be asked is why these so-called news organizations would be so inclined to push a candidate for POTUS. The answer is MONEY of course.

The ultra-liberal left constantly rail against corporate America, yet that is who got their "messiah" elected. GE stands to make BILLIONS off of the Cap & Trade legislation the anointed one will push through congress later this summer. This legislation would in effect give GE a monopoly on the so-called "green energy business". Shortly after taking office Osama's economic policies were being hit hard by some at CNBC. It did not take long for the heads at GE to order any non-glowing reports of the Messiah's policies to stop NOW.

There is only one way for the people of this great nation to combat the monstrous machine that GE and it's affiliates has become. We must ensure that their profits turn to losses, IN A BIG WAY! We must stop watching all iterations of NBC programing and refuse to buy anything made by GE. Now with the ratings for NBC, CNBC and MSNBC already in the toilet, not watching won't be difficult. Finding alternatives to GE products will be easy enough. We just have to convince others to follow our lead, and maybe , just maybe, we can run these A-holes out of business.

the A

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