Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The "change " Obamaites voted for is coming fast and furious...

It is the day after Memorial Day now and boy, oh boy, I don't think this what the people we just honored , fought and died for. Our esteemed socialist leader has found a new supreme court justice. Sonia Sotomayor a liberal NewYorker of Puerto Rican descent. I don't have a problem with her being a woman or being of non anglo lineage. What I do have a problem with is one of the very qualities Obamamessiah was looking for. "Empathy" - the intellectual identification with or vicarious experiencing of the feelings, thoughts, or attitudes of another. While this is an admirable quality to have, it does NOT have anyplace on the Supreme Court!! This is the main problem with Liberalism. It is based on feelings , you know fairness and goodwill, not real life.

This is the United States of America! Which was founded as a REPUBLIC meaning it is a nation built on the rule of LAW. Not the rule of good feelings. Fairness DOES NOT EXIST in this world or any other. Grow a set of balls and face that fact and your life will become easier!! With this just being "the anointed one's" first appointment to the big court we are about to find out just how fair the Left really is. Obama is smoothly making the transition for all of us and his changes will be subtle at first, but make no mistake this is only the beginning. I being a white male in this country am not allowed to complain about anything this administration does. I will be scolded for being a RIGHT-WING TEABAGGING RACIST!!!!! If that is what they want to believe then so be it. This country has taken such a hard left turn , I'm not sure it can be turned back around.

Political correctness has stripped this country of it's very being. I personally will not join on to this "peace, love and happiness" bandwagon for I already know where it is headed. The entire system of government that our ancestors fought and died to create and protect has been under attack for decades now and has finally been overcome from within. The same people (mouth breathing morons) who elected Pelosi in California and Reid in Arizona helped elect Obama. The Executive branch and Legislative branch are firrmly under the control of a socialist agenda and now all that is left is the Judicial branch to make this complete. I truly believe Ginsburg will be gone within the year and Osama will put in a some sort of lesbian/gay/transgender on the court. The truth is there for you to see if you open your eyes. I may just do something Athiests don't do.........PRAY.

the A

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