Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Nothing in life is FAIR

1. free from bias, dishonesty, or injustice: a fair decision; a fair judge.
2. legitimately sought, pursued, done, given, etc.; proper under the rules: a fair fight.
3. moderately large; ample: a fair income.
4. neither excellent nor poor; moderately or tolerably good: fair health.
5. marked by favoring conditions; likely; promising: in a fair way to succeed.
6. Meteorology.
a. (of the sky) bright; sunny; cloudless to half-cloudy.
b. (of the weather) fine; with no prospect of rain, snow, or hail; not stormy.
7. Nautical. (of a wind or tide) tending to aid the progress of a vessel.
8. unobstructed; not blocked up: The way was fair for our advance.

The idea of "fair" is rammed down our throats from a very early age. We are also told that Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny are real. Later in life we discover the truth about Santa and the bunny but many still cling to the idea of fairness. Unlike most people I was scolded by my father every time I uttered the word "fair". The Senior Chief wouldn't have any part of that word."Boy! there ain't nothin in life that's ever been fair, get over it and move on" he would say. If the Chief was still alive I would be thanking him right now for those words. The truth is.....he was absolutely 100% right.

In the history of man there has never been a fair fight. Some one will always have more than you or achieve more than you. There will always be better looking more talented people than you. Wait for it...................................... But that's not FAIR!!!! That is correct, never has been never will be. However we live in a society that seems to take exception to this LAW OF NATURE. The liberal mindset says "Oh, these people are deprived so they need a leg up on the competition." This kind of affirmative action has been proven to be hopeless here in the real world. The fact of the matter is the best person for the job should always get THE job. By making exceptions to the natural order of things we fail to be the best we can be as a society.

The inception of youth athletic leagues that do not keep score is another attempt to make people all warm and fuzzy. The idea being that the children don't face being a LOSER. If there is no score nobody wins and nobody loses; awwww doesn't that make you feel good. Horseshit!!! If there is no winner why do it?? How do you measure success without keeping some sort of score?

We live in an age where achievement and success are bad. Those who work hard to make more money than others are evil. The masses have spoken. We want stuff but we want it for free. The welfare generation has finally gotten into power and they want more stuff. They even justify it as spreading the wealth and it's happening right now under your noses.

The animal world has it right. The strong survive the weak perish.
I don't plan on perishing anytime soon.

WTFUA -Wake the fuck up America

the A

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