Thursday, May 7, 2009

Torture?? gimme a break

The left-wing loons are still going strong on the so-called bad treatment of "enemy combatants" at Guantanamo Bay. Let me first give my thoughts on the status of our friendly muslim brothers. They are NOT entitled to the same rights and protections of the U.S. constitution. These camel jockeys were captured on the battlefield not wearing the uniform of a standing military. What that means is we could have summarily executed them right there, per the hallowed Geneva conventions.
Now I will get to the so-called torture we have inflicted upon these poor little religious zealots.

1. SLEEP DEPRIVATION: lol this is truly funny to me considering that in my twenties it was no big thing to stay up partying for up to 36 hours straight with no sleep. If you want to know about real hardcore sleep deprivation ask a Navy S.E.A.L about Hell Week. Trust me when I tell you those ragheads didn't deal with what those guys go through to get in.

2. LOUD MUSIC: lmao what a joke. I've been through this torture, waiting on a meal at Joe's Crab Shack. The really funny thing is they played some good tunes. To make it torture they should've played some Yoko Ono.

3. WATERBOARDING!!!!! OMG THOSE BASTARDS!!!!! This practice has been used for decades in both military and civilian life in the U.S. It has been used in college hazing rituals since at least 1930. Some of our own military personell have endured this procedure as part of their training. NOBODY dies from waterboarding! It induces panic. It doesn't hurt and again it will not kill you!!

I would gladly go on national television and submit to a waterboarding session. Why?? Because I know it won't kill or maim me and I'm not a PUSSY like Keith Olberman.

I just wish the C.I.A. would've asked me to interrogate these bastards. My shoppping list would be short. A pair of pliers, a hammer, a box of salt, a car battery and some razor blades. Then maybe the whiney ass I hate America crowd would have had some real torture to complain about.
The A

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