Wednesday, May 27, 2009

What are they thinking?

I (the atheist) am an ultra-conservative. I truly believe that less government equals more individual freedom. I have, over my 38 years of life on this little blue sphere, noticed that the social animal called man; gives in a little too much to what is referred to as "group think". Each of us tends to find a niche into which we feel we fit. We then blindly follow these groups we identify with towards goals that can lead us to places we don't wish to go to.

I will start with the religious groups. Yes, I know, I am an atheist. I hold no hostility towards people trying to find spiritual answers. I do have a problem with people blindly following religious dogma.

First on the list is Jews (American Jews). As a group over the last hundred years or so, have given their full support to the Democratic Party. This party works against these people every chance it gets, yet they still support it! Support for the Jewish state of Israel is probably at an all time low right now, thanks in large part to the Osama administration and the left-wing congress. Other than protecting their right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness don't you think the safety and well being of their brothers and sisters in Israel would be high on their list?

Now the Catholics. Oh, where to begin? Let's start with the easy one. The Democratic party is all for abortion rights which is in direct conflict with church doctrine. This alone should be enough for them to find another party. Gay marriage would be another roadblock for Catholic support for this party, yet because the first and only Catholic POTUS was elected over 40+ years ago they still have a blind devotion to a party that looks down on them.

(Blacks, African Americans, Negroes, people of color) whichever you prefer. The vast majority of black America is Christian. As we have seen over the past couple of decades the Democratic party has gone against many Christian values. The real reason blacks have followed lock-step with the Democrats is plain to see. During the civil rights era of the sixties it was the Republicans that helped pass those bills. However , seeing the writing on the wall, the Democrats found another way to keep them on the "plantation". By using welfare, food stamps, public housing and affirmative action the Democrats kept their slaves. These programs took the drive to succeed on their own away from these people.

Hispanics. The vast majority is Catholic. They as a people are industrious and extremely hard workers. The Democratic party is for open borders, which does a great disservice to legalized Hispanic citizens of this country. Look at the Hispanic communities of the great liberal bastion that is California. Crime, poverty, and welfare abound. The Democratic plan as we can see takes the will to strive for more and turns it on it's ear.

Why is the Republican party not gaining from this? One group high-jacked the party a few years ago. The "evangelical Christians". This particular group has a stranglehold on the party . The E.C.s biggest call to arms "the right to life movement" is killing the Repubs. Until the this party is taken back to it's conservative roots it is lost.

Individualism made this, the greatest country in the history of man. Hopefully, one day, the people of this great land will remember to think for themselves.

the A

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