Thursday, May 21, 2009


The "messiah" has done the unthinkable. He has become the first ever assassination proof POTUS. His choice of Joe Biden was a master stroke. Has there ever been a bigger moron as Vice President?? Before you say Quayle, I will counter with Gore and then we will have to look at their histories before holding that position. I can honestly say no one could have perceived that either of them could be quite as stupid as Biden. We aren't even 6 months into this presidency and I am quite sure that absolutely no person in this country would willing to let Joe Biden sit in THE BIG CHAIR. If you think you might, just google "Biden flubs" and I'll rest my case.

Ok, so if the "anointed one" and his #2 are taken out, who would step up?? QUEEN BITCH OF THE EARTH- Nancy Pelosi. I (hopefully along with every other American) am so sick of this Botox infected cunt that just the mention of her name makes me want to spew from both ends at the same time. If we could just have her done away with and replaced with Joan Rivers would anyone notice?

Assuming the messiah, the stooge and and Mrs." I didn't know they were actually gonna waterboard anyone" went down. The country would be left in the ever so capable hands of Harry Reid. Oh boy, wouldn't that be great; another professional politician! I wouldn't piss down Reid's throat if his stomach was on fire. He like so many of our elected officials is another brain dead tax and spend liberal candyass buffoon.

Many people have started to notice with the impending sole government ownership of the banking industry and General Motors. The presidential mandate through bankruptcy that awards 55% ownership of Chrysler Corp. to the U.A.W. The mindless spending of money we don't have on stuff we don't need or won't work. The bailouts will keep coming. The entire Socialist Republic of California along with the flagging newspaper industry are next up for more of our money that they don't deserve.

My take on all this is, hopefully the mindless sheep who elected these people will WAKE THE FUCK UP and help us vote these ass clowns out A.S.A.P. The 2010 and 2012 elections can't come soon enough. The A

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