Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Israel can NOT give in to terror or Obama

Prime minister Netenyahu is here in the states meeting with the "messiah". This will be very revealing to our terrorist friends around the globe. Obama is demanding a two state solution. What the hell gives him the right or power for that matter to demand anything from a people that are under attack everyday from terrorist organizations that our country won't fight??! Personally I hope BeBe tells him to stick it, but we all know that won't happen.

The messiah's plans are easy to read. Give in and give up you silly Jews. The "anointed one" went to the Jimmy Carter school of foreign relations. Show your enemies as much weakness as possible. Be sure in the knowledge that Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran and Syria are watching very closely. The koran teaches our muslim enemies that it is perfectly acceptable to break an agreement with infidels. Every agreement with these assclowns has been broken.

The idea of a Palestinian state would be a great idea.... if it was in say...Jordan! where they come from. The fact is everytime Israel gives up territory the clowns living there start lobbing rockets at them. It happened with Gaza, the West Bank and Lebanon.

For those of you who read this and don't quite understand, Israelis are mostly jewish and therefor not thought of as human to the rest of the world. We all know that muslims believe in the total destruction of the jewish state. Europe is still full of idiots that see them as evil and the amount of anti-semitism in the U.S.A is almost unfathomable. The fact that the U.S. is a mostly christian country full of morons who forget that Jesus was a Jew kind of irks me. Go to any news column found on the web pertaining to Israel and look at the comments for examples. Keep in mind this is coming from an athiest!!

The only real solution here is one that nobody will accept. Every last muslim MUST be removed from Israel by any means. Oh, but that's not fair is it? LIFE isn't fair! It was not fair when Hiltler tried to wipe the Jews out, or for Stalin to purge the Jews from Russia was it? The one time the collective world ever did anything right was to bring the Jews back to their homeland. That's right THEIR homeland. It was occupied by muslims at the time but we all know that the Jews had been there first. The fact that much of what is now Israel was a desert wasteland that nobody cared about, until they got there and built it up doesn't really matter does it?

The idea of someone shooting rockets at me while I'm minding my own business just gets me kind of riled up. If that was here in the states and it was Mexicans or Canadians doing it there would understandably be an unholy firestorm of death and destruction unleashed. But that's not happening here to us. It IS happening everyday to innocent Israelis. I personally admire the people of Israel for their tolerance and restraint. I personally would be killing every raghead in sight. The A.

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