Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The Atheist explains

First and foremost I must explain that the title of the blog was picked for a little shock value. I'm actually agnostic. I believe there is something out there, just not willing to commit to one religion. I believe that everyone has an inalienable right to believe in what ever floats their boat. Except Muslims LOL. Well, Scientologists too, but for a far different reason.

This blog was established by the Mormon and myself as way to vent our frustration with the world as we see it. Although we differ greatly on religion everything else is pretty much the same, kind of like we're brothers from other mothers. So, what do we agree on?

1. The 2nd Amendment to the Constitution is the most important thing in the Constitution. Without the right to keep and bear arm all others can easily be taken away.

2. That less is more regarding government. All hail Ronald Reagan!

3. That the death penalty is not used enough. And that pedophilia and rape should both be capital offenses.

4. We both strongly believe that the Federal Government is constantly overstepping it's bounds and should only be doing what our founding fathers envisioned when the Constitution was written.

5. That the Venture Brothers is the greatest cartoon ever.

I could go on for days but I won't. The mere fact that we get along famously without letting a small difference get in the way provides me with great hope for the future. Now if we could just kill off all of Congress and every lawyer on the planet life would be so much better.

The A