Saturday, January 9, 2010

Fighting Terrorism The Obama Way

"We are determined not only to thwart those plans but to disrupt, dismantle and defeat their networks once and for all." Barak Hussein Obama 2010

You gotta love the Narcissist In Chief. He really is the most egotistical, smug, asshole we've ever had as POTUS. The statement made above comes after the failed bombing attempt of an airliner in U.S. airspace in Christmas Day. The fact that he was more concerned with his friend's child getting hit with a surfboard on that very day or that it took him three days to comment on this incident should make you wonder. Chairman Maobama has made it abundantly clear throughout his first year in office that his highest priorities are destroying our health care system and climate change.

If the "One" is really serious about taking the fight to the enemy (which I sincerely doubt). We should be hearing about missile strikes on terrorist training camps in Iran, Pakistan, Syria, Chad, Sudan, Yemen and Somalia. Strikes on Hezbollah and Hamas should undoubtedly be happening as well. Will any of these things come to pass? No, I'm  afraid not. This is stuff Bush should have done as well, but then again as the media tells us Obama is the smartest man on the planet and Bush was an idiot.

We just might get a token strike against a training camp or two, just nothing substantial. We as Americans have put a so-called intellectual in the most powerful seat at the table. Thus we must remember talking about peace is more important than fighting for peace. As long as we have an Islamic apologist running our country we will not be safe. His speech in Cairo last year proved he may have been raised a Muslim but he has no practical understanding of their belief system. Like Bush his misunderstanding of the enemy leaves not only us but the whole world at risk.

As history has shown us a thousand times and then some, the actions or inaction of a few can lead to the deaths of many. Unfortunately, in this time of political correctness America is and will always be the bad guy to the intellectuals of the world. I'm O.K. with that, if we would just step up and do what must be done. What must be done, will not happen in our lifetimes and our children and their children will be fighting this enemy long after we are dead.

The A

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