Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Should our tax dollars go to Haiti?

A massive earthquake leveled most of what are called towns and cities in the Banana Republic of Haiti yesterday. Our president has pledged "unwavering support" for the people of Haiti. The problem is that Haiti is already a welfare country sucking at the teats of the U.S. and U.N. With our national debt at an all time high and massive unemployment in the U.S. can we afford to give money to rebuild one of the most backward and corrupt countries to have ever existed?

I'm all for people helping other people. Why not let the Red Cross and other charitable groups take care of this? We as a nation are the most generous country in the world when it comes to helping the poor in times of crisis. Our government should not use money taken from us to rebuild Haiti. If as individuals we would like to donate to this cause that would be the thing to do. But I'm quite sure that our "Great Leader" will soon be announcing BILLIONS of dollars that we don't have to help the poor downtrodden people of Haiti.

Where will all this money go? If you think the vast majority will not end up being pocketed by corrupt politicians and generals you are sadly mistaken. One only needs to look at the history of this tiny island nation and you will see that Haiti has been a lost cause since it's inception. Want further proof? Look at the Haitian immigrants in any major city in the U.S. Their culture of crime and corruption is taken everywhere they go.

Most liberals would look at this blog and conclude that I am a racist. Maybe I am, but I really wouldn't care if Haiti was a lily white nation or yellow , blue or red. Let the corrupt nations go down under their own power. Sink or swim, survival of the fittest and all that jazz. The greatest nation in the world(Ours) didn't get this way from hand outs from other stronger nations. We rolled with the punches and got things done. It is quite time for Haiti and every other country to stand on their own.

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