Friday, January 29, 2010

California is going to run out of money.......I am Shocked


What a shocker! The Peoples Socialist Democratic Republic of California is running out of money. The Left-wing Libtards have completely ruined California with all of their Socialist programs and will again be asking Chairman Maobama for a bailout.

California is the model that Obummer, Pelosi and Reid are basing the national economy on. Everyone in the country should take a very close look at California. What exactly is California doing to go broke?
Do they have extremely high tax rates? YES.
Do they provide public services to illegal immigrants? YES
Do they protect worthless species of fish to the detriment of their own citizens? YES
Do they pass environmental laws that cause wild fires and mudslides? YES
Do they keep electing radical progressives to the U.S. House and Senate? YES
Do they have very restrictive gun laws that disarm law-abiding citizens while street gangs run rampant? YES
Are they in tune with the rest of America? NO
Should the American taxpayer bail them out for not being fiscally responsible? NO
Do I care if California fails? NO as long as I don't have to pay for it.

For years now the people of California have brought this upon themselves, by electing the likes of Nancy Pelosi, Barbara Boxer, Maxine Waters, Henry Waxman and Diane Feinstein. How could someone with any semblance of a brain elect these dimwits?

California must be held up as the poster child of the Progressive Movement. Until the people of California get their heads out of their asses, I say let them suffer.
You reap what you sow.

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